Creator of Ember.js, Handlebars & Thor
Member of the jQuery Core Team.
Creator of Testling, Browserling
Open Source librarian
Lead author of CanJS, JavaScriptMVC, jQuery++, FuncUnit & StealJS
Maintainer of React
Maintainer of jsdom
Editor for ES6 promises
Senior engineer at Mozilla
Real time audio & graphics experimenter
CEO of NodeSource
Creator of Dillinger
CEO and Co-founder of nodejitsu
Curator of EmpireJS & EmpireNode
Creator of Sails.js
Each year, our amazing partners help us keep tickets affordable, organize great workshops and welcome you in their stands.
If you want to be one of them, contact us.
To learn more about our partners, click on their logo!
Our mission is to bring the best hackers in the world in Paris to let them share their unique insights with you all.
Creators of the most popular open source libraries, JS experts, TC39 members: you can trust us to invite the best of them.
There will be no marketing speeches, no buzzword cover-ups. Speaking slots are not for sale.
Instead, you can expect deeply technical talks (even more than previous dotConferences) and surprising new ideas!
We do record every talk with a 4-camera crew and publish the videos for free on The dot Post.
That said, the off-camera Q&A session after each talk might also surprise you...
Leave your laptop at home, open your ears and enjoy our dense 20-minutes technical talks!
Short talks are the best way to stay focused during both deep technical dives and general introductions to new exciting projects.
A great chance to meet new people and go talk with the speakers!
Last but not least, we strive to keep our tickets very affordable so that everyone can join. Register now!
We shot this video at dotJS 2015 to give you an idea of the atmosphere of our conferences!
Video recaps for dotScale 2015 & dotGo 2015 are also availalbe!
Last speaker of #dotJS 2013 : Brendan Eich, CTO of Mozilla and ... father of Javascript. Such a great conference day!
— CharlesLouisALLIZARD (@Charleloui) December 4, 2013
Had a great time at #dotJS, lots of interesting talks and people – thanks to the organizers, speakers and sponsors for making this possible!
— Olivier Grange-Labat (@ogrange) December 2, 2013
End of @dotJSeu 2013, that was crazy cool! #dotJS
— Benoit Letondor (@BenoitLetondor) December 2, 2013
This year #dotjs conference worth every euro ! #Dart, #FireFoxOS, Asm, etc and awsome programmers !
— Robert Felker 【ツ】 (@BlueAquilae) December 2, 2013
Recette d'une super journée : orga au top + super talks ! Bravo et vivement les prochaines en 2014 ! :D #dotJS
— Arnaud Lenglet (@arnlen) December 2, 2013
Un grand merci à @dotConferences pour ce #dotJs bien sympathique
— Xavier Gorse (@xgorse) December 2, 2013
[Zenika Blog] Retour du #dotJS 2013 par @Swiip
— Zenika (@ZenikaIT) December 4, 2013
Sympa l'accueil pour cette seconde édition de #dotJS ! #caCommenceBien
— Arnaud Lenglet (@arnlen) December 2, 2013